Building Your Business With A Purpose

Building my business has been a fun yet challenging journey. My Business journey began in 1998 and 15 years later, I have discovered that the only way to build a successful business is with a Purpose. In fact, I believe that a business without a purpose is a business that is destined to fail.

When I wrote my business plan, it was written with my purpose in mind and that was, “To provide High Quality Childcare.” In fact, my purpose was the glue that held the business plan together. Moreover, as I completed each section of the business plan, it was completed with my purpose in mind.

Building a Business on purpose, takes lot of planning, lots of energy and lots of focus. Most importantly, you must be willing to persevere… no matter what comes your way. Adversity seems to attach itself to every business with a purpose; however, you must stay focused and stay the course.

I must say, it is an awesome feeling to write the purpose for your business and see it in action! Are you ready to build to discover how to build a business with a Purpose? Today I am going to share with you some of the strategies that I used to build my business on purpose.

A business without a purpose is like playing basket ball without a ‘Rim”… it’s pointless!

  1. Master Your Time. You must take some time at the beginning of every week and make a list of your business priorities. Be sure to add your most important duties at the top of the list. Delegate time wasters. As you do this… You will develop a sense of accomplishment for every week. Moreover you will become a master of your time.
  2. Personal Development. If you are not growing as an individual, your business will suffer or if you have character flaws, it will show and could even destroy your business. I recommend that you read a personal development book 2-3 times a year, so that you are able to develop a mindset that will sustain not destroy your success.
  3. Master Your Money. You must have a plan for how you will spend the money that comes into and leaves your business! Money is the life line of your business and you must learn how to manage it well. Only buy what you need, invest in your business on a regular basis and keep a close eye on your money.
  4. Business Associates. Hang around other successful business owners. In fact, get an Accountability partner; someone who will hold you accountable for your business success. If you are hanging around millionaires… you will begin to think like, talk like, look like and eventually become, “A Millionaire.”
  5. Evaluation system. Be sure to create an evaluation system for your business, to evaluate if you are really operating based on your purpose or if you are even accomplishing your business “mission.” As you evaluate your business, keep this in mind; Only use methods and systems that are working for you and stop doing what is not working.
  6. Take some time for you! After working 5-6 days a week on building your business; take some time for you. I find that, the more rest that I get; the more productive I am on Monday morning. Also, plan to travel! I believe that travel is a great way to spark your creativity and give you new ideas for your business!
See also  Got Business Backbone?

I challenge you to take a moment to reflect on the purpose of your business? Your purpose is your “why”; it is the reason you are in business, so be sure to never stop building your business with a purpose. In fact, as you focus on building your business with a purpose; you will attract to you what you need for your business and what you need for the business will come to you sooner than you think it will!

Shiketa, a mother of 2 children; Married, Owns and Operates a Child Care Center in St. Louis Missouri; She is an Inspired Business Coach, Blogger, Author of: (An Online Marketing Plan,10 Steps to Starting a Child Care Business and Doing Business by Faith) and is a Internet Entrepreneur. Connect with Shiketa at