Is Your Career Plan Focused on Personal Aspirations Or Employer’s Needs?

When you think about your next career move, are you thinking about your own career aspirations or your company’s needs? If your only focus is on your company’s needs, you doing yourself a disservice and you might be missing a great opportunity to realize the job of your dreams.

From early on in age we’re asked what we want to be when we grow up. As kids we put a great deal of planning into this idea. Through the years our aspirations may change but it’s important to remember your ideals. The reality is that you can indeed work towards achieving your career goals.

Career planning is an important process that should be addressed through all stages of adulthood and throughout one’s lifetime. Career planning allows us to avoid being sucked into a job that simply pays the bills. Yup, we need to pay those bills, but there are ways to pay them while at the same time having a great career.

A great first step in career planning is to assess your career goals and interests. You can take a couple of free or very affordable career assessments that help you get on the right career path. Also, you can also develop a comprehensive list that matches up your interests with related careers and money-making opportunities.

No matter how old you are it is never too late to make a career change or initiate the process of career planning. If you have never made a career plan, you might be missing out on great opportunities closely aligned with your true calling. Maybe you’ve got creative interests that you have only considered a hobby rather than a legitimate professional goal. It is essential to remember that there are actually creative jobs out there. Remember, the Internet has given rise to a new set of entrepreneurs who are making their dreams come true and committing themselves to their passions.

See also  Career and Job Planning

If you have only ever focused on what your employer wants and needs, you are probably doing yourself a disservice. You wants and needs are important too. If you are interested in a career that meets your career purpose and fulfills your personal passions, asking for help in achieving these goals is always a good idea. A career planning expert can help you see opportunities you never would have dreamed of otherwise.

There are many people out there who are actually fulfilling their goals and working in their dream jobs. You can be one of them. Taking the steps necessary to reach your personal career aspirations is easier than you would have ever dreamed. Building a new career definitely takes time and effort, but the payoff is well worth it.

You’ll love getting up in the morning and going to a job that you truly enjoy. Work doesn’t have to be mindless drudgery. It can be a motivating force that helps you get through life in the most interesting way possible. Just plan your career around your own aspirations rather than someone else’s.