Career Change Myths Exposed

Have you been dreaming of making a career change? If so, why haven’t you acted on your dream? It might be because you are operating under a false assumption. You might be missing out on opportunities because of a career myth – the good news is that there are several career change myths that can be explained away or at the very least worked around.

Career Myth:

#1) There is absolutely no way to make a living doing something you love.

Well hmm… that sounds like fear talking. The reality is that work doesn’t have to be something that you dread – you can make a living doing something you love and you can get paid to do it! Don’t buy into the myth that your work has to be drudgery. You don’t have to sacrifice happiness you can do something that you enjoy.

That said it is not always that simple. Obviously you will have to find a viable career and market. Do some homework.

• Research careers that are of interest to you.

• Interview people who are working successfully in the careers you are interested in and find out how they made it work.

• Know what you need in terms of certifications, licenses, and degrees.

• Develop a plan to go after it.

Why wouldn’t you be able to make a living doing what you love if you have done your homework, designed a career plan, and gained the necessary expertise?

#2) It is much too risky to change careers.

Actually there is risk no matter what. Remember, there is no such thing as permanent employment. That went out with gold watch retirements – we’ve all heard the stories about the gold watches they used to give out at retirement time. And, we know that those stories become rarer by the day.

See also  Career and Job Planning

• Decide whether it is riskier staying in place or moving on to something new. If you’re living with a career decision you regret, is it best to stick with it and hate the work you do or is it time to move on? Don’t forget your personal sanity is at risk if you hate your job and stay in it.

• Assess whether a career move is right for you. Consider your own aspirations.

• Remember that your career is in the hands of your employer.

• Do you want to have a bit more say about your career?

The bottom line is that any employer you work for will have their own interests in mind rather than yours. If you’re okay with that stay where you are and if you’re not set some goals and create a plan and then execute your career change.

#3) The job market is too tough to make a change.

You’re right; it is a tough job market. The myth is that there are no growth areas. Actually, there are growth areas. Most job seekers look for the same type of job they held in the past, a tactic that is not always effective. Career changers have to be savvy – knowing what areas are growing is essential to their success.

Job seekers will have to be committed to lifelong learning and learn how to project future market needs. Smart job seekers will be ready for anything. That means they will be well educated, they will hold or work towards additional certifications and will be ready for career change at the drop of a hat.

See also  Just Before You Make a Career Transition

Since the job market is ever changing, it will always be important to keep up with those changes. The job market will be less tough on those willing to embrace change.

Sure. There are lots of career myths. However, career plans are essential to career change success – and that is no myth.

Making a career change truly can be an intimidating process. Patricia Erickson covers all of the ins and outs of career change at length in her new book entitled Career Management Guide: A Practical Approach To Career Change In Any Economy.

Patricia Erickson is a highly regarded and successful career management expert. She has helped thousands of job seekers and career changers design strategies that transform careers.

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